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Exemptions;#> LeadframeMaterials; @ MoistureSensitivity;(1: PlatingMaterials;0 :!Material Composition Declaration *Supplier or Manufacturing Site InformationResponse Date 4/15/2015 Contact Name Angela LeContact TitleQS/DCC EngineerContact Phone86-21-50802030Contact Email/Faxangela_le@giantec-semi.com Company NameGiantec Name of person certifying Frank zhouCertifying Title QRA DirectorCertifying PhoneCertifying EmailFrank_Zhou@giantec-semi.comPart CategoryIC Part NameEEPROMPackage FamilyMSOP Pin countPart wight (mg)Part Number(s)GT24CXXAlternative Recommended ItemNAAlternative Item NameAvailability Date Alternative Part Comments!Manufacturing Process Information0Terminal Plating/Grid Array Material CompositionTerminal Plating Thickness (um)7.5~17Terminal Base AlloyA194J-STD-020 MoistureMaximum Reflow Temp. 260 CMaximum temp. duration (sec)Maximum cycles for ReflowComment' Homogeneous Material )3rd Party Analytical Testing result (ppm)Compliance (Yes/No)- 3rd Party Analytical TestingMSDSItemNameVenderType Weight (mg)Cd PbHgCr-VIPBBsPBDEsDEHPBBPDBPDIBPRoHS JIG Level AExempt Lab. Name Report No.Date1.RoHS 2.Halogen 3.PFOS/PFOADIESMICSiliconN.D.YesNoCTIA2220522292101005 LeadframeYvA194+AgNDYESSGSETR22903693M01 ETR22903695M01Die attach paste%f8lVS502 TSNEC2201361701 TSNEC2201361703 Copper WireMKECu/PdCANEC2208861607Molding compoundSD CEL-9220HF!SHAEC22003258315 SHAEC22003258316$Lead finish (Matte Sn) on leadframeHTBJ TinTSNEC2201040501Giantec fill in&Supplier or Manufacturing Site fill in"Final Compliance Judgement of RoHS"Substance Composition Declaration JIG Substance GW(ir(͑ϑJ/E% ir(`S;`͑ϑ ~vRkLevelCategoryCASPPM-Nq\YvOtherCu 7440-50-8 Fe 7439-89-6 7439-92-1P 7723-14-0Zn 7440-66-6Ag 7440-22-4Arcylate Trade secretCuring agent & hardenerSilver powderPd(20)otherCEL-9220Epoxy Resin 1Epoxy Resin 2Epoxy Resin 3 Phenol Resin Carbon black 1333-86-4Amorphous silica 60676-86-0Crystal silica 14808-60-7Sn 7440-31-5other Silicon 7440-21-3Si/Al Giantec fill in!Termination Material Composition: Leadframe (Underplate) Material:Value DescriptionPure matte tin=100% Sn (matte) - no Ni barrier or annealing (Heat treatment)Alloy 42Iron-based leadframe materialPure matte tin  annealedE100% Sn (matte), annealed is a heat treatment (e.g. 150C for 1 hour)CopperCu, C194, C151, C7025Pure matte tin  reflowedS100% Sn (matte), reflowed indicates plating was completely melted after applicationBeryllium CopperBe/CuPure matte tin - Ni barrierK100% Sn (matte), a nickel layer is added between the plating and base metalBrass Cu/Zn alloyPure matte tin - Ag barrierK100% Sn (matte), a silver layer is added between the plating and base metalPhosphor BronzeP-BronzePure matte tin  fused?100% Sn (matte), fusing is a reflow operation in a hot oil bathNickelNi (Used as barrier layer)-Pure matte tin - reflowed over Nickel barrier-100% Sn (matte), reflowed over a nickel layerKovarIron/Nickel based materialPure bright tin>100% Sn (bright) - no Ni barrier or annealing (Heat treatment)'Other - please give details in CommentsTo specify on Comment columnPure bright tin  annealedF100% Sn (bright), annealed is a heat treatment (e.g. 150C for 1 hour)Pure bright tin  reflowedT100% Sn (bright), reflowed indicates plating was completely melted after applicationRoHS Exemptions:Pure bright tin - Ni barrierL100% Sn (bright), a nickel layer is added between the plating and base metalPure bright tin - Ag barrierL100% Sn (bright), a silver layer is added between the plating and base metal@Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per lampPure bright tin  fused@100% Sn (bright), fusing is a reflow operation in a hot oil bath2a[Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding halophosphate 10mg.Pure bright tin - reflowed over Nickel barrier.100% Sn (bright), reflowed over a nickel layer2boMercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purp<oses not exceeding triphosphate with normal lifetime 5 mgSemi-matte tinH100% Sn, material properties fall in between matte and bright conditions2cmMercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding triphosphate with long lifetime 8 mgNickel/Palladium/GoldNi/Pd/Au:Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposesNickel/PalladiumNi/Pd>Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned in this listTin/Silver/CopperSn/Ag/CuOLead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electronic components and fluorescent tubesHot Dipped Tin/Silver/Copper-Sn/Ag/Cu applied in a molten tin bath process6aJLead as an alloying element in steel containing up to 0.35% lead by weight Tin/SilverSn/Ag6bNLead as an alloying element in aluminium containing up to 0.40% lead by weightHot Dipped Tin/Silver*Sn/Ag applied in a molten tin bath process6c;Lead as a copper alloy containing up to 4.0% lead by weight Tin/CopperSn/Cu7atLead in high melting temperature type solders (i.e. lead-based solder alloys containing 85 % by weight or more lead)Hot Dipped Tin/Copper*Sn/Cu applied in a molten tin bath process7c?Lead in electronic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectronic devices)Tin/Copper  annealed;Sn/Cu, annealed is a heat treatment (e.g. 150C for 1 hour)Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts and cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC amending Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparationsTin/LeadSn/PbgHexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigeratorsTin/Lead/SilverSn/Pb/Ag9a!DecaBDE in polymeric applications Nickel/GoldNi/Au9b-Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes Tin/BismuthSn/Bi,Lead used in compliant pin connector systemsSilver/PalladiumAg/PdALead as a coating material for a thermal conduction module c-ringSilver/Palladium - Ni barrierAAg/Pd, a nickel layer is added between the plating and base metal13a Lead in optical and filter glassSilver - Ni barrierC100% Ag, a nickel layer is added between the plating and base metal13b#Cadmium in optical and filter glassGold100% AuLead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between the pins and the package of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 80% and less than 85% by weightGold over Nickel!Au plated over a Ni-barrier layerLead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit Flip Chip packages100% NiN/ANot ApplicableImmersion SilverImm. AgImmersion TinImm. SnElectroplated Silver100% AgMoisture Sensitivity:OSPOrganic polymer over copperHot Dipped Tin,100% Sn applied in a molten tin bath processZinc100% Zn or Zn-alloyTin/ZincSn plated over ZnAluminum100% Al Indium alloyIn bearing alloyTin/Copper HASLSn/Cu Hot Air Solder LeveledENIG!Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold5aENEPIG7Electroless Nickel/Electroless Palladium/Immersion Gold'Other - Please give details in CommentsTo specify on Comment columnANR0Affected (by moisture exposure), no JEDEC ratingNMSNot Moisture Sensitive)IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C; go to www.jedec.orgc Vt  %I dMbP?_*+%&\.?'\.?(Q?)\.?"3XX `? `?&U} {} {} {} {} s{} s {}  {}  {}  {}  {} s {} ] {} {} s{} D{} D {}  {tJuvvJJY  ,u Jw w*****;; 6 }6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       )    5    6          * +   ,,,, 5  7 6888       -   ~ 9 @: #;;@%B<<<`  (     !    "  . # =   $6>>>>>> % ~ @ &  ' ( /  0) 1112 */~ ? + 9,a - ~ $@ . ~ @ /&  2   0  1 34 2 ? @3 ?  4 5 6 7 8 9  :  ;  <  = > ? @ A B  C D E F G H I J K L  ~ ? 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Pure matte Tin (100Sn) w/o Ni barrier or annealing (Heat treatment) 2. Pure matte Tin (100Sn), annealed is a heat treatment (e.g. 150 C, 1 hr) 3. Tin Bismuth (Sn2Bi)<,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 17 ]4`,<Y1. Alloy 42 2. Copper (Cu, C194, C151,C7025)<,,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 18 1  Q]4`<3Level 3 or 2 or 2a or 1 <,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 19]4`<260 C <,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 20Q]4`<10~40S <,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 21x]4`<3<,  # Ԕ5%Ԕ5%((PP?Comment 30 $]4`<Level A: 1. Cd, 2. Pb, 3. Hg, 4.. Cr=+6 5. PBBs, 6. PBDBs, 7. PCBs, 8.PCN, 9. CP, 10. TBT/TPT, 11. TBTO, 12. Asbestos,13. Azocolorants, 14. Redioactive & 15.Ozone Depleting substances Level B: 1. Antimony/its compounds, 2. Arsenic/its compounds, 3. Beryllium/its compounds, 4. Bismuth/its compounds, 5. Nickel/its compounds, 6. Selenium/its compounds, 7. Magnesium/its compounds, 8. Brominated Flame Retardants, 9. 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